N头条>英语词典>judicial separation翻译和用法

judicial separation

英 [dʒuˈdɪʃl ˌsepəˈreɪʃn]

美 [dʒuˈdɪʃl ˌsepəˈreɪʃn]

网络  别居; 裁判分居; 司法分居; 法定分居




  • a judicial decree regulating the rights and responsibilities of a married couple living apart
      Synonym:legal separation


    • Unified anti domestic violence law, a writ of habeas corpus, judicial separation system all give us experience, and guide the direction of anti domestic violence currently.
    • According to our excessive uniqueness for judicial relief, this paper proposes mandatory equity acquisitions and mandatory separation system as two alternative remedies.
    • It also analyses the causes of judicial politics connecting with the system of separation of powers, the election process of Federal Court's judges and other political elements.
    • The second is the judicial dissolution, the introduction of other judicial remedies, there are mandatory share exchange system, compulsory separation system, the introduction of the system of provisional administrator.
    • In the late 19th century and early 20th century, American begins popularity judicial activism, which is caused by its socialist constitutional system and adapt to the separation system, by the practice of more than 100 years, American judicial activism socialist presents its own characteristics.
    • Constitutional review is also a kind of judgment based on the law, one of the connotation of the judicial power or judicial attribute, thus to achieve the ultimate purpose of the separation of powers, and supervision of the constitutionalism.
    • Judicial review was the distinctive incarnation of judiciary independence, which represented the real completion of the separation of powers in both theory and practice.
    • On the securities markets, the value of judicial review, which is based on the principles of rule of law and separation of powers, is the regulation of the supervisors.
    • Although judicial independence as a modern rule of law established the basic principles, but must be exercised under the principle of separation of powers, judicial independence can only be limited to countries in the judicial field, its independence is a relative term.
    • In addition, the fact is separated in the judicial practice, the law about husband and wife during the separation property system still is not perfected, obvious legislation is lagging behind the need of judicial practice.